Day 190 – For All Those Who Can’t Afford Organic

I would love to buy only organic fruit and vegetables. First, nobody really knows yet what the long-term effects/damage of pesticides are/will be; also, these plants, once sprayed with a chemical they detect as danger, stop putting as much goodness into their fruits, so are actually less nutrient filled. Organic produce eliminates the chemicals, and allows the plant to continue putting all of its “oomph” into its’ crops until the bitter end.

“Great!” I hear you say (along with my own accompanying cries), but I can’t afford organic. Where I live, organic produce is still quite significantly pricier than non-organic produce. Part of the problem is a catch 22: the more people that buy organic the cheaper t will get, but people can’t afford to buy it in the first place, so it can’t get cheaper. Please remember, though, that the extra cost is because of what makes that produce wonderful. It is more expensive because those fruits and veggies are grown on little crops, and tended to by only a few people, who care for those plants day and night.

“Great!” I hear you say with me again, “but I still can’t afford it.” Well, I have found a marvellous solution until you can. To help reduce the pesticide intake from non-organic produce, fill your sink with 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar. Now, wash all your fruits and vegetables in the mixture, pat dry, and store for use. The vinegar helps to rid the fruit and veggies of, not just dirt, but also the pesticides. Sure, you can’t help the stuff that’s been absorbed through the skin, but something is better than nothing, right?      


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